: 39 CoreContainer.Initializer initializer = new CoreContainer.Initializer();
: 40 coreContainer = initializer.initialize();  41 solrServer = new
: EmbeddedSolrServer(coreContainer, "");
: A method that does this can be invoked over HTTP service to force the
: reindexing:

our of curiousity: why role your own server based system using embedded 
solr? .. why not just run the solr app?

: we've noticed that after executing this, we see appropriate log messages
: indicating that it ran, however the search indexes do not repopulate.  We're

1) what kidns of logs are you seeing (specifics matter)

2) you haven't said anything about how you execute your searches -- if you 
are using embedded solr, you have direct access to the SolrCore, so all 
bets are off on what you're doing -- we can't make *any* assumptions about 
what your searching code looks like, or what you mean by "indexes do not 
repopulate" ... you need to provide a lot more code, detailed logs, and a 
much more detailed description off what you are observing and what you 
expect to observe in order to get any meaningful assitance.


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