Hi Alex,

finally found a solution through stackoverflow:



Excerpt from this link:
"To change logging settings for Solr only, edit
tomcat/webapps/solr/WEB-INF/classes/logging.properties. You will need to
create the classes directory and the logging.properties file."

Jem said that the folder+file won't be deleted up on a reload or sth.
but I didn't tried it yet.


> Hi,
> was someone already successful in separating the complete logging of each 
> solr-core? We plan to add more solr-cores to ouer current setup ( solr 1.4, 
> running in tomcat 6.0.2) and it would be nice to have each core writing into 
> its own logfiles. 
> Currently, we use a log4j.xml in our web-app in WEB-INF/classes to customize 
> logging. 
> thx

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