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-----Original message-----
From: Susan Rust <su...@achieveinternet.com>
Sent: Wed 23-06-2010 18:23
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org; Erik Hatcher <erik.hatc...@gmail.com>; 
Subject: remove from list

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Susan Rust
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On Jun 23, 2010, at 1:52 AM, Mark Allan wrote:

> Cheers, Geert-Jan, that's very helpful.
> We won't always be searching with dates and we wouldn't want  
> duplicates to show up in the results, so your second suggestion  
> looks like a good workaround if I can't solve the actual problem.  I  
> didn't know about FieldCollapsing, so I'll definitely keep it in mind.
> Thanks
> Mark
> On 22 Jun 2010, at 3:44 pm, Geert-Jan Brits wrote:
>> Perhaps my answer is useless, bc I don't have an answer to your  
>> direct
>> question, but:
>> You *might* want to consider if your concept of a solr-document is  
>> on the
>> correct granular level, i.e:
>> your problem posted could be tackled (afaik) by defining a   
>> document being a
>> 'sub-event' with only 1 daterange.
>> So for each event-doc you have now, this is replaced by several sub- 
>> event
>> docs in this proposed situation.
>> Additionally each sub-event doc gets an additional field 'parent- 
>> eventid'
>> which maps to something like an event-id (which you're probably  
>> using) .
>> So several sub-event docs can point to the same event-id.
>> Lastly, all sub-event docs belonging to a particular event  
>> implement all the
>> other fields that you may have stored in that particular event-doc.
>> Now you can query for events based on data-rages like you  
>> envisioned, but
>> instead of returning events you return sub-event-docs. However  
>> since all
>> data of the original event (except the multiple dateranges) is  
>> available in
>> the subevent-doc this shouldn't really bother the client. If you  
>> need to
>> display all dates of an event (the only info missing from the  
>> returned
>> solr-doc) you could easily store it in a RDB and fetch it using the  
>> defined
>> parent-eventid.
>> The only caveat I see, is that possibly multiple sub-events with  
>> the same
>> 'parent-eventid' might get returned for a particular query.
>> This however depends on the type of queries you envision. i.e:
>> 1)  If you always issue queries with date-filters, and *assuming*  
>> that
>> sub-events of a particular event don't temporally overlap, you will  
>> never
>> get multiple sub-events returned.
>> 2)  if 1)  doesn't hold and assuming you *do* mind multiple sub- 
>> events of
>> the same actual event, you could try to use Field Collapsing on
>> 'parent-eventid' to only return the first sub-event per parent- 
>> eventid that
>> matches the rest of your query. (Note however, that Field  
>> Collapsing is a
>> patch at the moment. http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FieldCollapsing)
>> Not sure if this helped you at all, but at the very least it was a  
>> nice
>> conceptual exercise ;-)
>> Cheers,
>> Geert-Jan
>> 2010/6/22 Mark Allan <mark.al...@ed.ac.uk>
>>> Hi all,
>>> Firstly, I apologise for the length of this email but I need to  
>>> describe
>>> properly what I'm doing before I get to the problem!
>>> I'm working on a project just now which requires the ability to  
>>> store and
>>> search on temporal coverage data - ie. a field which specifies a  
>>> date range
>>> during which a certain event took place.
>>> I hunted around for a few days and couldn't find anything which  
>>> seemed to
>>> fit, so I had a go at writing my own field type based on  
>>> solr.PointType.
>>> It's used as follows:
>>> schema.xml
>>>      <fieldType name="temporal" class="solr.TemporalCoverage"
>>> dimension="2" subFieldSuffix="_i"/>
>>>      <field name="daterange" type="temporal" indexed="true"  
>>> stored="true"
>>> multiValued="true"/>
>>> data.xml
>>>      <add>
>>>      <doc>
>>>      ...
>>>      <field name="daterange">1940,1945</field>
>>>      </doc>
>>>      </add>
>>> Internally, this gets stored as:
>>>  <arr name="daterange"><str>1940,1945</str></arr>
>>>  <int name="daterange_0_i">19400000</int>
>>>  <int name="daterange_1_i">19450000</int>
>>> In due course, I'll declare the subfields as a proper date type,  
>>> but in the
>>> meantime, this works absolutely fine.  I can search for an  
>>> individual date
>>> and Solr will check (queryDate > daterange_0 AND queryDate <  
>>> daterange_1 )
>>> and the correct documents are returned.  My code also allows the  
>>> user to
>>> input a date range in the query but I won't complicate matters  
>>> with that
>>> just now!
>>> The problem arises when a document has more than one "daterange"  
>>> field
>>> (imagine a news broadcast which covers a variety of topics and  
>>> hence time
>>> periods).
>>> A document with two daterange fields
>>>      <doc>
>>>      ...
>>>      <field name="daterange">19820402,19820614</field>
>>>      <field name="daterange">1990,2000</field>
>>>      </doc>
>>> gets stored internally as
>>>  <arr
>>> name="daterange"><str>19820402,19820614</str><str>1990,2000</str></ 
>>> arr>
>>>  <arr name="daterange_0_i"><int>19820402</int><int>19900000</int></ 
>>> arr>
>>>  <arr name="daterange_1_i"><int>19820614</int><int>20000000</int></ 
>>> arr>
>>> In this situation, searching for 1985 should yield zero results as  
>>> it is
>>> contained within neither daterange, however, the above document is  
>>> returned
>>> in the result set.  What Solr is doing is checking that the  
>>> queryDate (1985)
>>> is greater than *any* of the values in daterange_0 AND queryDate  
>>> is less
>>> than *any* of the values in daterange_1.
>>> How can I get Solr to respect the positions of each item in the  
>>> daterange_0
>>> and _1 arrays?  Ideally I'd like the search to use the following  
>>> logic, thus
>>> preventing the above document from being returned in a search for  
>>> 1985:
>>>      (queryDate > daterange_0[0] AND queryDate < daterange_1[0]) OR
>>> (queryDate > daterange_0[1] AND queryDate < daterange_1[1])
>>> Someone else had a very similar problem recently on the mailing  
>>> list with a
>>> multiValued PointType field but the thread went cold without a final
>>> solution.
>>> While I could filter the results when they get back to my  
>>> application
>>> layer, it seems like it's not really the right place to do it.
>>> Any help getting Solr to respect the positions of items in arrays  
>>> would be
>>> very gratefully received.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Mark
> -- 
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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