On 6/27/10 4:51 PM, David Smiley (@MITRE.org) wrote:
> I just noticed that field compression (e.g. compressed="true") is no longer
> in Solr, nor can I find why this was done.  Can a committer offer an
> explanation?  If the reason is that it eats up CPU, then I'd rather accept
> this tradeoff for a big-data yet small query volume use case.
> ~ David Smiley
> -----
>  Author: https://www.packtpub.com/solr-1-4-enterprise-search-server/book

Lucene pulled compression support in a way that Solr had to break back
compatibility here.

The argument in Lucene's case was that you can do compression external
to Lucene and have more options in what you do. It was said that the
current compression was terrible for anything but very large fields. It
could actually be detrimental if used on shorter fields.

Solr could still do compression itself in the future - because it could
not really stay back compat though (Lucene will uncompress compressed
fields as it merges the index), we have punted on the feature for now.

- Mark


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