Thank you for your answer, Alex.
I tried it, but I got some weird output 
It is supposed to be "commentreply":["234234,2","87979,343",...
Both comment_id and reply_id are integers. Concat should be able to combine 
them into string.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alexey Serba [] 
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: solr data config questions


You can add additional commentreplyjoin entity to story entity, i.e.

<entity name="story" ...
    <entity name="commenttable" ...
        <entity name="replytable" ...>

    <entity name="commentreplyjoin" query="select concat(comment_id,
',', replier_id) as commentreply from commenttable left join
replytable on replytable.comment_id=commenttable.comment_id where
        <field name="commentreply" column="commentreply" />

Thus, you will have multivalued field commentreply that contains list
of related "comment_id, reply_id" ("comment_id," if you don't have any
related replies for this entry) pairs. You can retrieve all values of
that field and process on a client and build complex data structure.


On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 8:19 PM, Peng, Wei <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a new user of Solr.
> We are now trying to enable searching on Digg dataset.
> It has story_id as the primary key and comment_id are the comment id
> which commented story_id, so story_id and comment_id is one-to-many
> relationship.
> These comment_ids can be replied by some repliers, so comment_id and
> repliers are one-to-many relationship.
> The problem is that within a single returned document the search results
> shows an array of comment_ids and an array of repliers without knowing
> which repliers replied which comment.
> For example: now we got comment_id:[c1,c,2...,cn],
> repliers:[r1,r2,r3....rm]. Can we get something like
> comment_id:[c1,c,2...,cn], repliers:[{r1,r2},{},r3....{rm-1,rm}] so that
> {r1,r2} is corresponding to c1?
> Our current data-config is attached:
> <dataConfig>
>    <dataSource type="JdbcDataSource" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
> autoreconnect="true" netTimeoutForStreamingResults="1200"
> url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/diggdataset" batchSize="-1" user="root"
> password=" "/>
>    <document>
>            <entity name="story" pk="story_id" query="select * from
> story"
>                  deltaImportQuery="select * from story where
> ID=='${}'"
>                  deltaQuery="select story_id from story where
> last_modified > '${dataimporter.last_index_time}'">
>            <field column="link" name="link" />
>            <field column="title" name="title" />
>            <field column="description" name="story_content" />
>            <field column="digg" name="positiveness" />
>            <field column="comment" name="spreading_number" />
>            <field column="user_id" name="author" />
>            <field column="profile_view" name="user_popularity" />
>            <field column="topic" name="topic" />
>            <field column="timestamp" name="timestamp" />
>            <entity name="dugg_list"  pk="story_id"
>                    query="select * from dugg_list where
> story_id='${story.story_id}'"
>                    deltaQuery="select SID from dugg_list where
> last_modified > '${dataimporter.last_index_time}'"
>                    parentDeltaQuery="select story_id from story where
> story_id=${dugg_list.story_id}">
>                  <field name="viewer" column="dugger" />
>            </entity>
>            <entity name="commenttable"  pk="comment_id"
>                    query="select * from commenttable where
> story_id='${story.story_id}'"
>                    deltaQuery="select SID from commenttable where
> last_modified > '${dataimporter.last_index_time}'"
>                    parentDeltaQuery="select story_id from story where
> story_id=${commenttable.story_id}">
>                  <field name="comment_id" column="comment_id" />
>                  <field name="spreading_user" column="replier" />
>                  <field name="comment_positiveness" column="up" />
>                  <field name="comment_negativeness" column="down" />
>                  <field name="user_comment" column="content" />
>                  <field name="user_comment_timestamp"
> column="timestamp" />
>            <entity name="replytable"
>                    query="select * from replytable where
> comment_id='${commenttable.comment_id}'"
>                    deltaQuery="select SID from replytable where
> last_modified > '${dataimporter.last_index_time}'"
>                    parentDeltaQuery="select comment_id from
> commenttable where comment_id=${replytable.comment_id}">
>                  <field name="replier_id" column="replier_id" />
>                  <field name="reply_content" column="content" />
>                  <field name="reply_positiveness" column="up" />
>                  <field name="reply_negativeness" column="down" />
>                  <field name="reply_timestamp" column="timestamp" />
>            </entity>
>            </entity>
>            </entity>
>    </document>
> </dataConfig>
> Please help me on this.
> Many thanks
> Vivian

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