I'm a newbie looking at setting up an intranet search service using Solr, so 
I'm having a hard time understanding why I should forego the high availability 
and clustering mechanisms we already have available, and use Solr's 
implementations instead.  I'm hoping some experienced Solr architects could 
take the time to comment.

Our corporate standard is for any java web app to be deployed as an ear file 
targeted to a 4-server Weblogic 10.3 cluster on virtual Solaris boxes, 
operating behind a cluster of Apache web servers.  All servers have NFS mounts 
to high availability SANs.  So my Solr proof-of-concept tries to make use of 
those tools.  I've deployed Solr to the cluster, and all of them use the same 
solr.home on the NFS mount.  This seems to be just fine for searching, query 
requests are evenly distributed across the cluster, and search performance 
seems to be fine with the index living on the NFS mount.  

The problems, of course, start when add/update requests come in.  This setup is 
the equivalent of having 4 standalone Solr servers using the same index.  So if 
I use the "simple" lock file mechanism, in my testing so far it seems to keep 
them all separate just fine, except that the first update comes in to serverA, 
it grabs the write lock, then if any other servers receive an update near the 
same time, it must wait for the write lock to be be removed by serverA after it 
commits.  I think I can pretty well mitigate this by directing all updates 
through a single server (via virtual IP address), but then I need the other 
servers to realize the index has changed after each commit.  It looks like I 
can make a call like http://serverB/solr/update/extract?commit=true and that's 
good enough to get it to open a new reader, but that seems a little clunky.  
I've read in another thread about the use of "commit hooks" that can trigger 
user-defined events, I think, so
 I'm looking into that now.

Now when I look at using Solr's master+slaves architecture, I feel like it's 
duplicating the trusted (and expensive) services we already have at our 
disposal.  Weblogic+Apache clusters do a good job of distributing load, 
monitoring health, failing-over, restarting, etc.  And if we used slaves that 
pulled index snapshots, they'd be using (by policy) the same NFS mount to store 
those snapshots, so we'd be pulling it over the wire only to write it right 
next to the original index.  If we didn't have these HA clustering mechanisms 
available already, then I'm sure I'd be much more willing to look at a Solr 
master+slave architecture.  But since we do, it seems like I'm a little bit 
hamstrung to use Solr's mechanisms anyway.  So, that's my scenario, comments 
welcome.  :)



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