This is simple faceting, doesn't even have to be a multi-valued field. Just index your description field with the desired stop word removal and other analysis that you want done, and &facet.field=description


On Jul 15, 2010, at 3:26 AM, Peter Karich wrote:

Dear Hoss,

I will try to clarify what I want to achieve :-)

Assume I have the following three docs:

description: bmx bike 123

description: bmx bike 321

description: a mountain bike

If I query against *:* I want to get the facets and its document count ala:
bike: 3
bmx: 2

I reached this with the following approach:
I skip the noise words like 'a'. E.g. for doc 3 I will get the terms
'mountain' and 'bike'.
Those two terms will then additionally indexed to a multivalued e.g.
myfacet so that I can do faceting on that field.

Is there a simpler approach?


: is it possible to use the stored terms of a field for a faceted search?

No, the only thing stored fields can be used for is document centric
opterations (ie: once you have a small set of individual docIds, you can
access the stored fields to return to the user, or highlight, etc...)

: I mean, I don't want to get the term frequency per document as it is
: shown here:
: I want to get the frequency of the term of my special search and show : only the 10 most frequent terms and all the nice things that I can do
: for faceting.

i honestly have no idea what you are saying you want -- can you provide a concrete use case explaining what you mean? describe some example data and then explain what type of logic owuld happen and what type of result
you'd get back?



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