I have considerd this problem and tried to solve it using 2 methods
By these methods, we also can boost a doc by the relative positions of
query terms.

1: add term Position when indexing
   modify TermScorer.score

  public float score() {
    assert doc != -1;
    int f = freqs[pointer];
    float raw =                                   // compute tf(f)*weight
      f < SCORE_CACHE_SIZE                        // check cache
      ? scoreCache[f]                             // cache hit
      : getSimilarity().tf(f)*weightValue;        // cache miss
    //modified by LiLi
    try {
                int[] positions=this.getPositions(f);
                float positionBoost=1.0f;
                for(int pos:positions){
        } catch (IOException e) {
    return norms == null ? raw : raw * SIM_NORM_DECODER[norms[doc] &
0xFF]; // normalize for field

  private int[] getPositions(int f) throws IOException{
          int[] positions=new int[f];
          int docId = termPositions.doc();
          assert docId==doc;
          int tf=termPositions.freq();
          assert tf==f;
          for(int i=0;i<tf;i++){
          return positions;

Then you must pass a TermPositions
termPositions=reader.termPositions(term); to it.  I modified this
construction of TermScorer to add this param.

2. use payload
   I tried to use payload to save whether a term occured in first 128
positions by a bitset. This method save more space than first one.
  Then Using my Similarity:
        public float scorePayload(int docID, String fieldName, int start, int 
                        byte[] payload, int offset, int length) {
                if (payload != null) {
                        float boost = 1.0F;
                        int firstOccur=PayloadHelper.decodeInt(payload, 0);
                        BitSet bitSet=MyAnalyzer.fromByteArray(payload, 
                        for(int i=0;i<bitSet.length();i++){
                        return boost;
                } else {
                        return 1.0F;

2010/7/20 Papiya Misra <pmi...@pinkotc.com>:
> I need to make sure that documents with the search term occurring
> towards the beginning of the document are ranked higher.
> For example,
> Search term : ox
> Doc 1: box fox ox
> Doc 2: ox box fox
> Result: Doc2 will be ranked higher than Doc1.
> The solution I can think of is sorting by term position (after enabling
> term vectors). Is that the best way to go about it ?
> Thanks
> Papiya
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