: updating your index between queries, so you may be reloading
: your cache every time. Are you updating or adding documents
: between queries and if so, how?
: If this is vaguely on target, have you tried firing up warmup queries
: after you update your index that involve your timestamp?

based on the usecase, i'm not sure that that will really help -- it sounds 
like the range query is alwasy based on the exact timestamp of the most 
recent doc from the lat time this particular query was run -- which means 
by definition that that timestamp changes every time the query is 
run, so caching it is useless.

skimming the thread, it's seems like the OP isn't using TrieDateField 
(when asked if he was, he posted a followup about precision if he did use 
it -- implying he is not currently).  Switching to TrieDateField is 
probably the only thing improvement possibly to make a significant 
differnece in speeding up these one time queries.

i've also seen no explanation of how big the index is, or what the OP's 
definition of "slow" is (how fast are the queries with and w/o these 
filters?).  that type of information is fairly critical to being able to 
offer performance suggestions.

I'm also suspicious of hte entire line of questioning -- it smells like 
there might be an XY Problem here.  knowing what the ultimate goal that 
lead to this timestamp based filter query appraoch might help us suggest 
an alternate/better/faster solution.


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