I might have misunderstood, but I think I cant do string literals in
function queries, right?


I tried it anyway using solr 1.4, doesnt seem to work.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Markus Jelsma <markus.jel...@buyways.nl> wrote:
> function queries match all documents
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FunctionQuery#Using_FunctionQuery
> -----Original message-----
> From: Justin Lolofie <jta...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Wed 21-07-2010 20:24
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org;
> Subject: boosting particular field values
> I'm using dismax request handler, solr 1.4.
> I would like to boost the weight of certain fields according to their
> values... this appears to work:
> bq=category:electronics^5.5
> However, I think this boosting only affects sorting the results that
> have already matched? So if I only get 10 rows back, I might not get
> any records back that are category electronics. If I get 100 rows, I
> can see that bq is working. However, I only want to get 10 rows.
> How does one affect the kinds of results that are matched to begin
> with? bq is the wrong thing to use, right?
> Thanks for any help,
> Justin

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