: I am new to Solr and seeking your help to change filter from
: ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory to ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory files.  I am not

According to the files you posted, you aren't using the 
ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory -- so problem solved w/o making any changes.

: sure what change is to be made and where exactly this change is to be made.
: And finally, what would replace mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt file?  I would

i think what's confusing you is thta you are using the 
MappingCharFilterFactory with that file in your "text" field type to 
convert any ISOLatin1Accent characters to their "base" characters (i'm 
sure there is a more precise term for it, but i'm not a charset savant 
like rmuir so i odn't know what it's caled)

: like Solr to search both with and without diacritics found in
: transliteration of Indian languages with characters such as Ā ś ṛ ṇ, etc. 

your existing usage should allow that on any fields using the "text" type 
-- if you index those characters they will get "flattened" and if someone 
searches on those characters they will get "flattened" -- it's just like 
using LowerCaseFilter -- as long as you do it at index and query time 
everything is consistent.

if you want docs to score higher when even the accents match, just index 
and query across two fields: on with that charfilter and one w/o.


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