Hi, I'm also interested of this feature... is it open source?




-----Original Message-----
From: Avlesh Singh <avl...@gmail.com>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Mon, Aug 2, 2010 5:09 pm
Subject: Re: enhancing auto complete

>From whatever I could read in your broken table of sample use cases, I think

you are looking for something similar to what has been done here -

http://askme.in; if this is what you are looking do let me know.



@avlesh <http://twitter.com/avlesh> | http://webklipper.com

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 8:09 PM, Bhavnik Gajjar <

bhavnik.gaj...@gatewaynintec.com> wrote:

> Hi,


> I'm looking for a solution related to auto complete feature for one

> application.


> Below is a list of texts from which auto complete results would be

> populated.


> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

> tincidunt ut laoreet

> dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et

> te feugait nulla facilisi

> Claritas est etiam processus

> anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis

> fiant sollemnes in futurum

> Hieyed ddi lorem ipsum dolor

> test lorem ipsume

> test xyz lorem ipslili


> Consider below table. First column describes user entered value and

> second column describes expected result (list of auto complete terms

> that should be populated from Solr)


> lorem

>        *Lorem* ipsum dolor sit amet

> Hieyed ddi *lorem* ipsum dolor

> test *lorem *ipsume

> test xyz *lorem *ipslili

> lorem ip

>        *Lorem ip*sum dolor sit amet

> Hieyed ddi *lorem ip*sum dolor

> test *lorem ip*sume

> test xyz *lorem ip*slili

> lorem ipsl

>        test xyz *lorem ipsl*ili




> Can anyone share ideas of how this can be achieved with Solr? Already

> tried with various tokenizers and filter factories like,

> WhiteSpaceTokenizer, KeywordTokenizer, EdgeNGramFilterFactory,

> ShingleFilterFactory etc. but no luck so far..


> Note that, It would be excellent if terms populated from Solr can be

> highlighted by using Highlighting or any other component/mechanism of Solr.


> *Note :* Standard autocomplete (like,

> facet.field=AutoComplete&f.AutoComplete.facet.prefix=<user entered

> term>&f.AutoComplete.facet.limit=10&facet.sort&rows=0) are already

> working fine with the application. but, nowadays, looking for enhancing

> the existing auto complete stuff with the above requirement.


> Any thoughts?


> Thanks in advance





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