Im not sure if i understand your problem, but basicly it isnt Solr vs Lucene 
but HttpURLConnection vs Solrj's 
CommonsHttpSolrServer, because Server Query Times havent changed at all from 
what u say?

Why arent you querying the Server the same way you did before when u want to 
compare solr to lucene only?

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Ophir Adiv [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 4. August 2010 09:11
Betreff: Migrating from Lucene 2.9.1 to Solr 1.4.0 - Performance issues under 
heavy load

[posted this yesterday in lucene-user mailing list, and got an advice to post 
this here instead. excuse me for spamming]


I'm currently involved in a project of migrating from Lucene 2.9.1 to Solr 
During stress testing, I encountered this performance problem:
While actual search times in our shards (which are now running Solr) have not 
changed, the total time it takes for a query has increased dramatically.
During this performance test, we of course do not modify the indexes.
Our application is sending Solr select queries concurrently to the 8 shards, 
using CommonsHttpSolrServer.
I added some timing debug messages, and found that, 
line 416 takes about 95% of the application's total search time:
int statusCode = _httpClient.executeMethod(method);

Just to clarify: looking at access logs of the Solr shards, TTLB for a query 
might be around 5 ms. (on all shards), but httpClient.executeMethod() for this 
query can be much higher - say, 50 ms.
On average, if under light load queries take 12 ms. on average, under heavy 
load the take around 22 ms.

Another route we tried to pursue is add the "shards=shard1,shard2,..."
parameter to the query instead of doing this ourselves, but this doesn't seem 
to work due to an NPE caused by QueryComponent.returnFields(), line
if (returnScores && sdoc.score != null) {

where sdoc is null. I saw there is a null check on trunk, but since we're 
currently using Solr 1.4.0's ready-made WAR file, I didn't see an easy way 
around this.
Note: we're using a custom query component which extends QueryComponent, but 
debugging this, I saw nothing wrong with the results at this point in the code.

Our previous code used HTTP in a different manner:
For each request, we created a new, and called its getInputStream() 
Under the same load as the new application, the old application does not 
encounter the delays mentioned above.

Our current code is initializing CommonsHttpSolrServer for each shard this
    MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager = new 
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
    HttpClientParams params = new HttpClientParams();

and passing the new HttpClient to the Solr Server:
solrServer = new CommonsHttpSolrServer(coreUrl, httpClient);

We tried two different ways - one with a single 
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager and HttpClient for all the SolrServer's, and 
the other with a new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager and HttpClient for each 
Both tries yielded similar performance results.
Also tried to give setMaxTotalConnections() a much higher connections number
(1,000,000) - didn't have an effect.

One last thing - to answer Lance's question about this being an "apples to 
apples" comparison (in lucene-user thread) - yes, our main goal in this project 
is to do things as close to the previous version as possible.
This way we can monitor that behavior (both quality and performance) remains 
similar, release this version, and then move forward to improve things.
Of course, there are some changes, but I believe we are indeed measuring the 
complete flow on both apps, and that both apps are returning the same fields 
via HTTP.

Would love to hear what you think about this. TIA, Ophir

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