: I am running a Solr 1.4 instance on FreeBSD that generates large log 
: files in very short periods. I used /etc/newsyslog to configure log file 
: rotation, however once the log file is rotated then Solr doesn't write 
: logs to the new file. I'm wondering if there is a way to let Solr know 
: that the log file will be rotated so that it recreates a correct file 
: handle?

Solr doesnt' actually manage it's log files -- all Solr does is use 
the Java Logging framework to send log messages into the ether.

Any Log files taht are produced are generated by the servlet container 
that is being used to run Solr (Jetty, Tomcat, etc...) So you should check 
the docs for your servlet container to see what you should be doning to 
rotate log files safely.


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