: I've so far observed this in relation to the strings "0", "0.1", "0.2"
: and "0.4" in indexed content.

Highlighting is an odd duck, and in the absense of more details in what 
exactly your requests look like, i supsect that what's happening is that 
your final query (ie: the query generated by the dismax QParser, or by the 
boost QParser if you use it, or what not) goings those numeric values as 
"boosts" on other query clauses, and the HIghlighter is picking those up.

It would he lp if you could show us exactly what your query URLs (with 
debugQuery=true and echoParams=all) look like, and what reponses you get, 
so we can see every thing (including the default params picked up from 
your solrconfig.xml)

(I thought there was a param that let you specify an "alternative" string 
to use for highlighting -- instead of hte original query -- but i don't 
see it documented on the wiki ... hmmm)


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