
Which time zone are you located in? Do you have DST?

Solr uses UTC internally for dates, which means that "NOW" will be the time in 
London right now :) Does that appear to be right 4 u?
Also see this thread: http://search-lucene.com/m/hqBed2jhu2e2/

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com
Training in Europe - www.solrtraining.com

On 11. aug. 2010, at 13.02, Frederico Azeiteiro wrote:

> Hi,
> I have on my schema
> <field name="timestamp" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true"
> default="NOW" /> 
> This field is returned as 
> <date name="timestamp">2010-08-11T10:11:03.354Z</date>
> For an article added at 2010-08-11T11:11:03.354Z!
> And the server has the time of 2010-08-11T11:11:03.354Z...
> This is a w2003 server using solr 1.4. 
> Any guess of what could be wrong here?
> Thanks,
> Frederico

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