: I'm trying to extend the writer used by solrj
: (org.apache.solr.response.BinaryResponseWriter), i have declared it in
: I see that it is initialized, but when i try to set the 'wt' param to
: 'myWriter'
: solrQuery.setParam("wt","myWriter"), nothing happen, it's still using the
: 'javabin' writer.

I'm not certian, but i don't think SolrJ respects a "wt" param set by the 
caller .. i think "ResponseParser" dictates what "wt" param is sent to the 
server -- that's why javabin is the default and calling 
"server.setParser(new XMLResponseParser())" causes XML to be sent by the 
server (even if don't set "wt=xml" in your SolrParams)

If you've customized the BinaryResponseWriter then presumably you've had 
to write a custom ResponseParser as well, correct? (otherwise how would 
you take advantage of your customizations to hte format) ... so take a 
look at the existing ResponseParsers to see how they force the "wt" param 
and do the same thing in your custom ResponseParser.

(Note: this is all mostly speculation on my part)


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