On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 05:18:34 -0700 (PDT)
Muneeb Ali <muneeba...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I need some guidance over improving search response time for our
> catalog search. 
> I would appreciate if anyone with similar background could shed
> some light on upgrading hardware in our situation. Or if any
> other configuration tweak that is not on the above list. 

It would probably help if you could post some benchmarks of what
your current search response times are (from the Solr back-end,
and not from any front-end in front of it), and what your desired
response times are. You could use Apache bench, and or JMeter for

As a data point, while our index size/no. of documents is smaller
(~40GB/3.6 million documents), we are seeing a mean response
time/request of ~120ms for numeric fields, at 50 simulated
simultaneous connections, with a single Solr server having 8 ~2GHz
cores, and 12GB RAM. This measure however, *is* influenced by the
effects of Solr caching. Solr is close to a factor of 10 faster
than our front-end, even though that is pulling almost everything
from Solr. So, we are happy on that front :-)


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