I am very new to the solr/lucene world.  I am using solr 1.4.0 and cannot
move to 1.4.1.

I have to index about 50 fields for each document, these fields are already
in key/value pairs by the time I get to my index methods.  I was able to
index them with lucene without any problem, but found that I could not then
read the indexes with solr/admin.  So, I decided to use Solr for my

The error I am currently getting is
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't find resource 'synonyms.txt' in classpath
or 'solr/conf'/'

This exception is being thrown by SolrResourceLoader.openResource(line 260).
which is called by IndexSchema<init> (line 102)

My code that leads up to this follows:

String path = "c:/swdev/apache-solr-1.4.0/IDW"
SolrConfig cfg new SolrConfig(path + "/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml");
schema = new IndexSchema(cfg,path + "/solr/conf/schema.xml",null);


This also fails if I use
schema = new IndexSchema(cfg,"schema.xml",null);

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Liz Sommers

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