Check out the function query feature, and the bf= parameter. It may be
that the existing functions meet your needs, or that you can add a few
new functions.

It can take a while to understand what you really want to do, so
writing a large piece of code now can be wasteful.

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Brad Kellett <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for examples or pointers to some info on implementing custom 
> scoring in solr/lucene. Basically, what we're looking at doing is to augment 
> the score from a dismax query with some custom signals based on data in 
> fields from the row initially matched. There will be several of these 
> features dynamically scored at query-time (due to the nature of the data, 
> pre-computed stuff isn't really what we're looking for).
> I do apologize for the vagueness of this, but a lot of this data is stuff we 
> want to keep under wraps. Essentially, I'm just looking for a place to use 
> some custom java code to be able to manipulate the score for a row matched in 
> a dismax query.
> I've been Googling like a mad man, but haven't really hit on something that 
> seems ideal yet. Custom similarity appears to just allow changing the 
> components of the TF-IDF score, for example. Can someone point me to an 
> example of doing something like this?
> ~Brad

Lance Norskog

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