> Hi All,
>  I have provided identifications ,While submitting document to Solr e.g;
> jp_ for job posting , cp_ for career profile , and it stores id in a form of
> : jp_1, or jp_2 etc or cp_1 or cp_2 etc.
>  So when I perform standard query with fq=cp_ , then its provide me the
> results belong to cp_ only or jp only.
>  But when I enable mlt inside the query it returns the results for jp_ as
> well, because job_title also exist in job posting ( though jp_ or cp_
> already differentiating to both of this ?)
> e.g;
> *cp_4*&start=0&rows=100&*fq=cp_*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *How I can effectively use FilterQuery and MoreLikeThis ?*
> *
> *
> */Sumit*
> *
> *
> *
> *

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Sumit Arora <sumit1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
>  I have provided identifications ,While submitting document to Solr e.g;
> jp_ for job posting , cp_ for career profile , and it stores id in a form of
> : jp_1, or jp_2 etc or cp_1 or cp_2 etc.
>  So when I perform standard query with fq=cp_ , then its provide me the
> results belong to cp_ only or jp only.
>  But when I enable mlt inside the query it returns the results for jp_ as
> well, because job_title also exist in job posting ( though jp_ or cp_
> already differentiating to both of this ?)
> e.g;
> *cp_4*&start=0&rows=100&*fq=cp_*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *How I can effectively use FilterQuery and MoreLikeThis ?*
> *
> *
> */Sumit*
> *
> *
> *
> *

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