Thanks Kent for your info.  

We are not doing any faceting, sorting, or much else.  My guess is that most of 
the memory increase is just the data structures created when parts of the frq 
and prx files get read into memory.  Our frq files are about 77GB  and the prx 
files are about 260GB per shard and we are running 3 shards per machine.   I 
suspect that the document cache and query result cache don't take up that much 
space, but will try a run with those caches set to 0, just to see.

We have dual 4 core processors and 74GB total memory.  We want to leave a 
significant amount of memory free for OS disk caching. 

We tried increasing the memory from 20GB to 28GB and adding the 
-XXMaxGCPauseMillis=1000 flag but that seemed to have no effect.  

Currently I'm testing using the ConcurrentMarkSweep and that's looking much 
better although I don't understand why it has sized the Eden space down into 
the 20MB range. However, I am very new to Java memory management.

Anyone know if when using ConcurrentMarkSweep its better to let the JVM size 
the Eden space or better to give it some hints?

Once we get some decent JVM settings we can put into production I'll be testing 
using termIndexInterval with Solr 1.4.1 on our test server.


-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Ingersoll [] 

>.What are your current GC settings?  Also, I guess I'd look at ways you can 
>reduce the heap size needed. 
>> Caching, field type choices, faceting choices.  
>>Also could try playing with the termIndexInterval which will load fewer terms 
>>into memory at the cost of longer seeks. 

 >>At some point, though, you just may need more shards and the resulting 
 >>smaller indexes.  How many CPU cores do you have on each machine?

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