: I would like to drop ft_text and make each index shard 3GB smaller, but make
: it so that any queries which use ft_text get automatically redirected to
: catchall.  Ultimately we will be replacing catchall with dismax and
: eliminating it.  After the switch to dismax is complete and catchall is gone,
: I want to switch back to using ft_text for specific searches generated by the
: application.

a) not really.   assuming you have no problem modifying the indexing code 
in the way you want, and are primarily worried about searching from 
various clients, then the most straight forward approach is probably to 
use RewriteRules (or something equivilent) to do regex replacments in your 
query strings before solr ever sees them.

b) i'm not sure if you realize that you can't make your index smaller by 
removing a field from your schema -- not unless you also reindex all of 
hte documents that (use to) have a value in that field.  depending on your 
priorities, doing this twice (once to remove ft_text, and then once again 
later to add ft_text back and remove catchall) may not be the best use of 
your time/resources -- it might be more productive to accelerate your 
switch to using dismax, and only do the reindexing once to eliminate your 
catchall field.


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