It is quite easy to modify its default value. Solr is using default
logging values that started to use in jvm. It can be bound as a start
parameter or can be externally defined in

Simply it is enough to remove all contents (backup first) in
../tomcat/conf/ and write .level = SEVERE

This change will make root checkbox from unset to severe. Of course
you can switch it to WARNING or INFO too.

You can observe changes from http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/logging
or simply ~/admin/logging  pages.

Details are here:


On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Christopher Gross <> wrote:
> I'm running an old version of Solr (1.2) on Apache Tomcat 5.5.25.
> Right now the logs all go to the catalina.out file, which has been
> growing rather large.  I have to shut down the servers periodically to
> clear out that logfile because it keeps getting large and giving disk
> space warnings.
> I've tried looking around for instructions on configuring the logging
> for Solr, but I'm not having much luck.  Can someone please point me
> in the right direction to set up the logging for Solr?  If I can get
> it into rolling logfiles, I can just have a cron job take out the old
> ones and not have to restart to do cleanup.
> Please don't tell me to upgrade the software -- it is not an option at
> this point.  I'm sure that the latest versions have it working better,
> but right now I am unable to upgrade Solr or Tomcat to new versions.
> Thanks!
> -- Chris

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