Is there a 1:1 ratio of db records to solr documents? If so, couldn't you
simply select the most recent updated record from the db and check to make
sure the corresponding solr doc has the same timestamp?


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Dmitriy Shvadskiy <>wrote:

> Hello,
> What would be the best way to check Solr index against original system
> (Database) to make sure index is up to date? I can use Solr fields like Id
> and timestamp to check against appropriate fields in database. Our index
> currently contains over 2 mln documents across several cores. Pulling all
> documents from Solr index via search (1000 docs at a time) is very slow. Is
> there a better way to do it?
> Thanks,
> Dmitriy

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