I saw there had been a previous discussion on commit failing for
EmbeddedSolrServer here:

But it was never resolved. I have an embedded solr server and it does not
seem to pick up changes in the index after a commit through Solrj.

Looking at the logs, I can see a new searcher was opened -
20100929.141930/162 INFO  [pool-1-thread-1] [] core.SolrCore - [] Registered
new searcher searc...@8611b5c main
20100929.141930/162 INFO  [pool-1-thread-1] [] search.SolrIndexSearcher -
Closing searc...@5ff78541 main

I'm using a single searcher, autowarming sizes of 0 to make sure no invalid
entries get transfered over to the new searcher, I even set the httpCaching
max-age=0 (i know pointless but i believe it technically is off then).

Am I missing a form of caching or a configuration that will make sure this
new searcher is "pure" or at least after time will be purified once invalid
results expire?


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