How many documents are there? How many unique words are in a text
field? Both of these numbers can have a non-linear effect on the
amount of space used.

But, usually a 22Gb index (on disk) might need 6-12G of ram total.
There is something odd going on here.


On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Jeff Moss <> wrote:
> My server has 128GB of ram, the index is 22GB large. It seems the memory
> consumption goes up on every query and the garbage collector will never free
> up as much memory as I expect it to. The memory consumption looks like a
> curve, it eventually levels off but the old gen is always 60 or 70GB. I have
> tried adjusting the cache settings but it doesn't seem to make any
> difference.
> Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this expected behavior?
> Here is a screenshot of what I see in jconsole after running for a few
> minutes:
> Here is a 24 hour period of the same data taken from a custom jmx monitor:
> The server performs pretty much as good at the beginning of this cycle as it
> does at the end so all of this memory accumulation seems to not be doing
> anything useful.
> I am running the 1.4 war but I was having this problem with 1.3 also. Tomcat
> 6.0.18, Java 1.6.0. I haven't gone as far as doing any memory profiling or
> java debugging because I'm inexperienced, but that will be the next thing I
> try. Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Jeff

Lance Norskog

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