I an new to Solr and the search technologies. I am playing around with multiple indexes. I configured Solr for Tomcat, created two tomcat fragments so that two solr webapps listen on port 8080 in tomcat. I have created two separate indexes using each webapp successfully.
My documents are very primitive. Below is the structure. I have four such documents with different doc id and increased number of the word "Hello" corresponding to the name of the document (this is only to make my analysis of the results easier). Documents One and two are in shar1 and three and four are in shard 2. obviously, document two is ranked higher when queried against that index (for the word Hello). And document four is ranked higher when queried against second index. When using the shards, parameter, the scores remain unaltered. My question is, if the distributed search does not consider IDF, how is it able to rank these documents correctly? Or do I not have the indexes truely distributed? Is something wrong with my term distribution? <add> - <#> <doc> <field name="*id*">Valli1</field> <field name="*name*">One</field> <field name="*text*">Hello!This is a test document testing relevancy scores.</field> </doc> </add>