Your email has been specific about one example, but vague about what your 
general goal is.  Based purely on what youv'e said the 
QueryElevationComponent seems like it would meet your needs -- but it's 
hard to be sure w/o more details.

: I want to sort individually by each keyword.
: ex:)
: There are Doc1,Doc2,Doc3.
: It have three keywords - "A","B","C" in each.
: [search result]
: keyword "A" :
: search result:Doc1,Doc2,Doc3
: keyword "B" :
: search result:Doc3,Doc2,Doc1
: keyword "C" :
: search result:Doc3,Doc1,Doc2
: How do I implement the above?
: Follow are my ideas.
: But I want to know better ways strongly.
: [A.]
: Register more same keywords in proportion to the score.
:   ex:) A,A,A,B,B,C
: [B.]
: By using own Similarity class, customizing score calculations.
: Failed ideas.
: --
: Using "Field boost" and "Multi-value-field"


--  ...  October 7-8, Boston      ...  Stump The Chump!

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