On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <> wrote:

> Huh, the NGramFilterFactory itself isn't listed on the the analyzers wiki
> at:
> That wiki page seems to be protected to certain users only. Anyone know if
> there's a way to send a 'patch' to the maintainers for the wiki, or if
> there's a process for getting editing privileges on that page?  I'd like to
> help out by adding documentation when I come accross it.
> Jonahtan
> ________________________________________
> From: Ahmet Arslan []
> Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 6:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NGramFilterFactory for auto-complete that matches the middle
> of multi-lingual tags?
> > But I thought NGramFilterFactory would generate substrings
> > that start in the "middle", hence ensuring autocomplete
> > matching in the middle.
> >
> > So in the case of "electric guitar", keywordtokenizer would
> > create one token - "electric guitar"
> >
> > NGramFilterFactory would then take that one toke ("electric
> > guitar") and generate N-grams out of it. One of the ngrams
> > would be "guit" because "guit" is a substring of "electric
> > guitar".
> >
> Ups. You are correct, I am sorry. I mixed it with *Edge*NGramFilterFActory.

Robert Muir

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