
I was interested in gaining some insight into how you guys schedule updates for 
your Solr index (I have a single index).

Right now during development I have added deltaQuery specifications to data 
import entities to control the number of rows being queries on re-indexes.

However in terms of *when* to reindex we have a lot going on in the system - 
there are 4 sub-systems: custom application data, a CMS, a forum and a blog. 
It's all being indexed and at any given time there will be users and 
administrators all updating various parts of the sub-systems. 

For the time being during development I have been issuing reindexes to the data 
import handler on each CRUD on any given sub-system. This has been working fine 
to be honest. It does need to be as immediate as possible - a scheduled update 
won't work for us. Even every 10 minutes is probably not fast enough. 

So I wonder what others do. Is anyone else in a similar situation?

And what happens if 4 users generate 4 different requests to the data import 
handler to update for different types of data?  The DIH will be running already 
let's say for request 1, then request 2 comes in - is it rejected? Or is it 

I need it to be queued and serviced because the request 1 re-index may have 
already run its queries but missed the data added by the user for request 2. 
Same then goes for the requests 3 and 4. 

Thanks for your consideration,


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