On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Lohrenz, Steven

> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out if how I can accomplish the following:
> I have a fairly static and large set of resources I need to have indexed
> and searchable. Solr seems to be a perfect fit for that. In addition I need
> to have the ability for my users to add resources from the main data set to
> a 'Favourites' folder (which can include a few more tags added by them). The
> Favourites needs to be searchable in the same manner as the main data set,
> across all the same fields.
> My first thought was to have two separate schemas
> - the first  for the main data set and its metadata
> - the second for the Favourites folder with all of the metadata from the
> main set copied over and then adding the additional fields.
> Then I thought that would probably waste quite a bit of space (the number
> of users is much larger than the number of main resources).
> So then I thought I could have the main data set with its metadata. Then
> there would be second one for the Favourites folder with the unique id from
> the first and the additional fields it needs (userId, grade, folder, tag).
> In addition, I would create another schema/core with all the fields from the
> other two and have a request handler defined on it that searches across the
> other 2 cores and returns the results through this core.
> This third core would have searches run against it where the results would
> expect to only be returned for a single user. For example, a user searches
> their Favourites folder for all the items with Foo. The result is only those
> items the user has added to their Favourites with Foo somewhere in their
> main data set metadata.
> Could this be made to work? What would the consequences be? Any alternative
> suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Steve

>From your description, it really sounds like you could reap the benefits of
using Distributed Search in SOLR:


I hope that this helps.

- Ken

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