On 14.10.2010, at 21:02, Yonik Seeley wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Mike Squire <mike.squ...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As pointed out before it would be useful to have some kind of
>> documented road map for development, and some kind of indication of
>> how close certain versions are to release.
> Such things have proven to be very unreliable in the past, due to the
> volunteer nature of open source.  It would also require everyone
> agreeing up-front - which rarely happens ;-)

well no information imho is worse. you can also just say the current state of 
discussion is X, some think however its Y. but no information means users are 
essentially without any information about the future.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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