
answering my own question(s).

Result grouping could be the solution as I explained here:

> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ddash/papers/facets-cikm.pdf (the file is dated to Aug 
> 2008)

yonik implemented this here:

So, really cool: he's the inventor/first-thinker of their 'bitset tree'
! :-)


> Hi,
> I need a feature which is well explained from Mr Goll at this site **
> So, it then would be nice to do sth. like:
> facet.stats=sum(fieldX)&facet.stats.sort=fieldX
> And the output (sorted against the sum-output) can look sth. like this:
> <lst name="facet_counts">
>  <lst name="facet_fields">
>    <lst name="tag">
>      <int name="jobs"  fieldX="14700">767</int>
>      <int name="video" fieldX="13700">892</int>
> Is there something similar or was this answered from Hoss at the lucene
> revolution? If not I'll open a JIRA issue ...
> BTW: is the work from
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ddash/papers/facets-cikm.pdf contributed back to
> solr?
> Regards,
> Peter.
> PS: Related issue:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-680
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12400054/SOLR-680.patch
> **
> http://lucene.crowdvine.com/posts/14137409
> Quoting his question in case the site goes offline:
> Hi Chris,
> Usually a facet search returns the document count for the
> unique values in the facet field. Is there a way to
> return a weighted facet count based on a user-defined function (sum,
> product, etc.) of another field?
> Here is a sum example. Assume we have the following
> 4 documents with 3 fields
> ID facet_field weight_field
> 1 solr 0.4
> 2 lucene 0.3
> 3 lucene 0.1
> 4 lucene 0.2
> Is there a way to return
> solr 0.4
> lucene 0.6
> instead of
> solr 1
> lucene 3
> Given the facet_field contains multiple values
> ID facet_field weight_field
> 1 solr lucene 0.2
> 2 lucene 0.3
> 3 solr lucene 0.1
> 4 lucene 0.2
> Is there a way to return
> solr 0.3
> lucene 0.8
> instead of
> solr 2
> lucene 4
> Thanks,
> Johannes

http://jetwick.com twitter search prototype

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