Hello Lance, thank you for your reply.

I created the following JIRA issue:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2171, as suggested.

Can you tell me how new issues are handled by the development teams,
and whether there's a way I could help/contribute ?


2010/10/16 Lance Norskog <goks...@gmail.com>:
> Please add a JIRA issue requesting this. A bunch of things are not
> supported for functions: returning as a field value, for example.
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:31 AM, Tanguy Moal <tanguy.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear solr-user folks,
>> I would like to use the stats module to perform very basic statistics
>> (mean, min and max) which is actually working just fine.
>> Nethertheless I found a little limitation that bothers me a tiny bit :
>> how to perform the exact same statistics, but on the result of a
>> function query rather than a field.
>> Example :
>> schema :
>> - string : id
>> - float : width
>> - float : height
>> - float : depth
>> - string : color
>> - float : price
>> What I'd like to do is something like :
>> select?price:[45.5 TO
>> 99.99]&stats=on&stats.facet=color&stats.field={volume=product(product(width,
>> height), depth)}
>> I would expect to obtain :
>> <lst name="stats">
>>  <lst name="stats_fields">
>>  <lst name="(product(product(width,height),depth))">
>>   <double name="min">...</double>
>>   <double name="max">...</double>
>>   <double name="sum">...</double>
>>   <long name="count">...</long>
>>   <long name="missing">...</long>
>>   <double name="sumOfSquares">...</double>
>>   <double name="mean">...</double>
>>   <double name="stddev">...</double>
>>   <lst name="facets">
>>    <lst name="color">
>>     <lst name="white">
>>      <double name="min">...</double>
>>      <double name="max">...</double>
>>      <double name="sum">...</double>
>>      <long name="count">...</long>
>>      <long name="missing">...</long>
>>      <double name="sumOfSquares">...</double>
>>      <double name="mean">...</double>
>>      <double name="stddev">...</double>
>>    </lst>
>>    <lst name="red">
>>      <double name="min">...</double>
>>      <double name="max">...</double>
>>      <double name="sum">...</double>
>>      <long name="count">...</long>
>>      <long name="missing">...</long>
>>      <double name="sumOfSquares">...</double>
>>      <double name="mean">...</double>
>>      <double name="stddev">...</double>
>>    </lst>
>>    <!-- Other facets on other colors go here -->
>>   </lst><!-- end of statistical facets on volumes -->
>>  </lst><!-- end of stats on volumes -->
>>  </lst><!-- end of stats_fields node -->
>> </lst>
>> Of course computing the volume can be performed before indexing data,
>> but defining virtual fields on the fly given an arbitrary function is
>> powerful and I am comfortable with the idea that many others would
>> appreciate. Especially for BI needs and so on... :-D
>> Is there a way to do it easily that I would have not been able to
>> find, or is it actually impossible ?
>> Thank you very much in advance for your help.
>> --
>> Tanguy
> --
> Lance Norskog
> goks...@gmail.com

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