Well, always get the biggest, fastest machine you can <G>...

On a serious note, you're right, there's not much info to go
on here. And even if there were more info, Solr performance
depends on how you search your data as well as how much
data you have...

About the only way you can really tell is to set your system
up and use the admin>>statistics page to monitor your
system. In particular, monitor your cache evictions etc.

This page may also help:


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 5:59 AM, satya swaroop <satya.yada...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
>        I am planning to have a separate server for solr and regarding
> hardware requirements i have a doubt about what configuration to be needed.
> I know it will be hard to tell but i just need a minimum requirement for
> the
> particular situation as follows::
> 1) There are 1000 regular users using solr and Every day each user indexes
> 10 files of 1KB each and totally it leads to a size of 10MB for a day and
> it
> goes on...???
> 2)How much of RAM is used by solr in genral???
> Thanks,
> satya

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