On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Michael Sokolov <soko...@ifactory.com>wrote:

> I think if you look closely you'll find the date quoted in the Exception
> report doesn't match any of the declared formats in the schema.  I would
> suggest, as a first step, hunting through your data to see where that date
> is coming from.
> -Mike
[Note: RE-sending this because apparently in my sleepy-stupor, I clicked to
wrong Reply button and never sent this to the list (It's a Monday) :)]

I've noticed that date anomaly as well, and I've discovered that is one of
the gotchas of DIH: it seems to modify my date to that format. All of the
dates in the data are in the correct "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'" format. Once
it is run through dateTImeFormat, I assume it is converted into a date
object; trying to use that date object in any other form (i.e., using
template, or even another dateTimeFormat) results in the exception I've
described (displaying the date in the incorrect format).


Ken Stanley

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