Thanks for your reply :)

1. I tested that "q=*:*&fl=body" , 1 doc returned as result as I expected.

2. I'm edit my scheme.xml as you instructed. 

    <analyzer type="query"
        //No filter description.

    but no result returned.

3. I wonder that...

    Tipically Tokenizer and filter flow was

    1) Input stream provide text stream to tokenizer or filter.
    2) tokenizer or filter get a token, and processed token and offset
attribute info has returned.
    3) offset attributes has the infomation of token's.
        This is a part of tipical filter src that I thought.
        public class CustomStemFilter extends TokenFilter {

            private MyCustomStemer stemmer;
                private TermAttribute termAttr;
                private OffsetAttribute offsetAttr;
                private TypeAttribute typeAttr;
                private Hashtable<String,String> reserved = new
                public CustomStemFilter( TokenStream tokenStream, boolean 
MyCustomStemer stemmer ){
                    super( tokenStream );
                    this.stemmer = stemmer;
                    termAttr   = (TermAttribute) 
                    offsetAttr = (OffsetAttribute)
                typeAttr   = (TypeAttribute)
                //Some of my custom logic here.
                //do something.
            private MyCustomStemmer stemmer = new MyCustomStemmer();
            public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
                if (!input.incrementToken())
                    return false;

                StringBuffer queryBuffer = new StringBuffer();
                //stemming logic here.
                //generated query string has append to queryBuffer.
                        termAttr.setTermBuffer(queryBuffer.toString(), 0,
                        offsetAttr.setOffset(0, queryBuffer.length());
                offSet += queryBuffer.length();
                return true;

        ※ MyCustomStemmer analyze input string "flyaway" to query string :
fly +body:away
           and return it.

        At index time, contents to be searched is normally analyzed and
indexed as below.
        a) Contents to be indexed : fly away
        b) Token "fly" and length of "fly" = 3(Has been setup by offset
attribute method) 
           has returned by filter or analyzer.
        c) Next token "away" and length of "away" = 4 has returned.
        I think it's a general index flow.

        But, I customized MyCustomFilter that filter generate query string,
not a token.
        In the process, offset value has changed : query's length, not a
single token's length.
        I wonder that value to be set up by offsetAttr.setOffset() method 
        has influence on search result on using solr? 
        (I tested this on main page's query input box at
http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/ )

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