Sounds good, but there is nothing to download on Sourceforge?
Is this free or do you charge for it?


Am 20.10.2010 13:03, schrieb Initcron Labs:
Initcron Labs Announces "Blaze - Appliance for Solr" .

Read more at and download from :

Blaze is a tailor made appliance  preinstalled and preconfigured with Apache
Solr  running within Tomcat servlet  container. It  lets you focus on
developing applications based on Apache Solr platform  and not worry about
installation, configuration complexities.

Blaze Appliance is built with Suse Studio and is available in following

- LiveCD
- USB Drive/ HDD Image
- Preload ISO
- Virtual Machine Images
- Xen
- VMWare, Virtualbox
- OVM Open Format
- Amazon EC2 Image Format

You could get your solr installation setup and running within minutes.
The appliance is also production ready being configured with Tomcat. Comes
with webyast for web administration and configuration of the appliance.


Initcron Labs


Stefan Moises
Senior Softwareentwickler

shoptimax GmbH
Guntherstraße 45 a
90461 Nürnberg
Amtsgericht Nürnberg HRB 21703
GF Friedrich Schreieck

Tel.: 0911/25566-25
Fax:  0911/25566-29

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