
You need to share relevant parts of your schema for us to be able to see what's 
going on.

Try using fieldType="text". Basically, you need a fieldType which has the 
lowercaseFilter included.

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

On 25. okt. 2010, at 21.09, wu liu wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just noticed a wierd thing happend to my solr search result.
> if I do a search for "ecommons", it cannot get the result for "eCommons", 
> instead,
> if i do a search for "eCommons", i can only get all the match for "eCommons", 
> but not "ecommons".
> I cannot figure it out why?
> please help me
> Thanks very much in advance

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