Am about to implement a custom query that is sort of mash-up of Facets,
Highlighting, and SpanQuery - but thought I'd see if anyone has done
anything similar. 


In simple words, I need facet on the next word given a target word.


For example, if my index only had the following 5 documents (comprised of a
sentence each):


Doc 1 - The quick brown fox jumped over the fence.

Doc 2 - The sly fox skipped over the fence.

Doc 3 - The fat fox skipped his afternoon class.

Doc 4 - A brown duck and red fox, crashed the party.

Doc 5 - Charles Brown! Fox! Crashed my damn car.


The query should give the frequency of the distinct terms after the word


skipped - 2

crashed - 2 

jumped - 1


Long-term, do the opposite - frequency of the distinct terms before the word


brown - 2

sly - 1

fat - 1 

red - 1


My guess is that either the FastVectorHighlighter or SpanQuery would be a
reasonable starting point. I was hoping to take advantage of Vectors as I am
storing termVectors, termPositions, and termOffsets for the field in


Grateful for any thoughts . . . reference implementations . . . words of
encouragement . . . free beer - whatever you can offer.






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