Hi Lance,
              I actually copied tika exceptions in one html file and indexed
it. It is just a content of a file and here i tell u  what i mean::

if i post a query like *java* then the result or response from solr should
hit only a part of the content like as follows::


-<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">453</int>
-<result name="response" numFound="62" start="10">
-<arr name="content_type">
<str name="id">javaebuk</str>
<date name="last_modified">2001-07-02T11:54:10Z</date>
-<arr name="text">

A Java program with two main methods  The following is an example of a java
program with two main methods with different signatures.
Program 3
public class TwoMains
/** This class has two main methods with
* different signatures */
public static void main (String args[])  .........


the doc in the result should not contain the entire content of a file. It
should have only a part of the content.The content should be the first hit
of the word java in that file...


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