There's no way I know of to make Solr use that kind of data to create the sort 
order you want. 

Generally for 'custom' sorts, you want to create a field in your Solr index 
with possibly artificially constructed values that will 'naturally' sort the 
way you want. 

How to do that with a linked list seems kind of tricky, before you index you 
may have to write code to analyze your whole graph order and then just supply 
sort order keys.  And then if you sometimes update just a few documents, but 
not your whole thing.. Geez, i'm not really sure. It's kind of a tricky 
problem.  That kind of data is not really the expected use case for Solr 

Sorry, I'm not sure what this means or how it would help: "use the DIH to 
access a Service in WCF or a Webservice?"  Maybe someone else will know exactly 
what you mean. Or maybe if you rephrase with more specificity as to how you 
think this will help you solve your problem, it will be more clear. 

Recall that you don't need to use DIH to index at all, it's just one of several 
methods, it simplifies things for common patterns, it's possible you fall out 
of the common pattern nad it would be simpler not to use DIH.   Although even 
without DIH, I can't think of a particularly simple way to solve your problem. 

Just curious, but is your _entire_ corpus, your entire document set, part of a 
_single_ linked list?  Or do you have several different linked lists in there? 
If several, what do you want to happen with sort if two documents in the result 
set aren't even part of the same linked list?   This kind of thing is one 
reason translating the sort of data you have to a solr sort order starts to 
seem kind of confusing to me. 

From: Ezequiel Calderara []
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 3:39 PM
To: Solr Mailing List
Subject: Custom Sorting in Solr

Hi all guys!
I'm in a weird situation here.
We have index a set of documents which are ordered using a linked list (each
documents has the reference of the previous and the next).

Is there a way when sorting in the solr search, Use the linked list to sort?

If that is not possible, how can i use the DIH to access a Service in WCF or
a Webservice? Should i develop my own DIH?



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