I will. Thanks Darren


On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:15 PM,  <dar...@ontrenet.com> wrote:
> Take a look at term proximity and phrase query.
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrRelevancyCookbook
>> Hey guys,
>> I have a solr index where i store information about experts from
>> various fields. The thing is when I search for "channel marketing" i
>> get people that have the word channel or marketing in their data. I
>> only want people who have that entire phrase in their bio. I copy the
>> contents of bio to the default search field (which is text)
>> How can I make sure that exact phrase matching works while the search
>> is agile enough that half searches match too (like uni matches
>> university, etc - this works but not phrase matching)?
>> I hope I was able to properly explain my problem. If not, please let me
>> know.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Moazzam

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