My impression was that

city:Chicago^10 +Romantic +View

would do what you want (with the standard lucene query parser and default operator OR), and I'm not sure about this, but I have a feeling that the version with "Boolean" operators AND/OR and parens might actually net out to the same thing, since under the hood all the terms have to be translated into "optional", "required" or "forbidden": lucene doesn't actually have true binary boolean operators. At least that was the impression I got after some discussion at a recent conference. I may have misunderstood - if so, could someone who knows set me straight?



On 11/2/2010 5:08 PM, Ahmet Arslan wrote:
Erick, that query would return all restaurants in Chicago,
whether they
matched Romantic View or not. Although the scores should
sort relevant
results to the top, the results would still contain a lot
of things I wasn't
interested in.
How about this one?

+(city:Chicago^1000 OR (*:* -city:Chicago)) +Romantic +View

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