I don't know the paths in the Solr package for Ubuntu. In the Solr
apache release, you go to the example/ directory. The example/solr
directory needs a new lib directory, and you copy the jars to there.
Then run 'java -jar start.jar' still in the example/ directory.

Solr should start. Now, you need to study example/solr/conf/schema.xml
and look at what Analyzers do.  Good luck!

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 12:37 AM, mark peleus <mark.pel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to use HebMorph, a new Hebrew analyzer.
> http://github.com/itaifrenkel/HebMorph/tree/master/java/
> The instructions says:
>   1. Download the code from
> here<http://github.com/synhershko/HebMorph/tree/master/java/>
>   .
>   2. Use the hebmorph ant
> script<http://github.com/synhershko/HebMorph/blob/master/java/hebmorph/build.xml>to
> build the hebmorph project.
>   3. Use the lucene.hebrew ant
> script<http://github.com/synhershko/HebMorph/blob/master/java/lucene.hebrew/build.xml>to
> build the lucene.hebrew project.
>   4. Copy both jar files to the solr/lib folder.
>   5. Edit your solr/conf/schema.xml file to use the analyzer you choose to
>   use.
> I've installed the Solr package under ubuntu Lucyd.
> I've completed steps 1-3.
> Where do I put the jar files?
> How do I make Solr use the analyzer?
> Thanks

Lance Norskog

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