I think it would be a better idea to load solr via a servlet container like
Tomcat and then create the init.d script for tomcat instead.


On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 2:47 AM, Eric Martin <e...@makethembite.com> wrote:

> Er, what flavor?
> RHEL / CentOS
> #!/bin/sh
> # Starts, stops, and restarts Apache Solr.
> #
> # chkconfig: 35 92 08
> # description: Starts and stops Apache Solr
> SOLR_DIR="/var/solr"
> JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1024m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=mustard -jar start.jar"
> LOG_FILE="/var/log/solr.log"
> JAVA="/usr/bin/java"
> case $1 in
>    start)
>        echo "Starting Solr"
>        cd $SOLR_DIR
>        ;;
>    stop)
>        echo "Stopping Solr"
>        cd $SOLR_DIR
>        $JAVA $JAVA_OPTIONS --stop
>        ;;
>    restart)
>        $0 stop
>        sleep 1
>        $0 start
>        ;;
>    *)
>        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}" >&2
>        exit 1
>        ;;
> esac
> ________________________________
> Debian
> http://xdeb.org/node/1213
> ______________________
> Ubuntu
> Type in the following command in TERMINAL to install nano text editor.
> sudo apt-get install nano
> Type in the following command in TERMINAL to add a new script.
> sudo nano /etc/init.d/solr
> TERMINAL will display a new page title "GNU nano 2.0.x".
> Paste the below script in this TERMINAL window.
> #!/bin/sh -e
> # Starts, stops, and restarts solr
> SOLR_DIR="/apache-solr-1.4.0/example"
> JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1024m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=stopkey -jar start.jar"
> LOG_FILE="/var/log/solr.log"
> JAVA="/usr/bin/java"
> case $1 in
>    start)
>        echo "Starting Solr"
>        cd $SOLR_DIR
>        ;;
>    stop)
>        echo "Stopping Solr"
>        cd $SOLR_DIR
>        $JAVA $JAVA_OPTIONS --stop
>        ;;
>    restart)
>        $0 stop
>        sleep 1
>        $0 start
>        ;;
>    *)
>        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}" >&2
>        exit 1
>        ;;
> esac
> Note: In above script you might have to replace /apache-solr-1.4.0/example
> with appropriate directory name.
> Press CTRL-X keys.
> Type in Y
> When ask File Name to Write press ENTER key.
> You're now back to TERMINAL command line.
> Type in the following command in TERMINAL to create all the links to the
> script.
> sudo update-rc.d solr defaults
> Type in the following command in TERMINAL to make the script executable.
> sudo chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/solr
> To test. Reboot your Ubuntu Server.
> Wait until Ubuntu Server reboot is completed.
> Wait 2 minutes for Apache Solr to startup.
> Using your internet browser go to your website and try a Solr search.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nikola Garafolic [mailto:nikola.garafo...@srce.hr]
> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 11:42 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: solr init.d script
> Hi,
> Does anyone have some kind of init.d script for solr, that can start,
> stop and check solr status?
> --
> Nikola Garafolic
> SRCE, Sveucilisni racunski centar
> tel: +385 1 6165 804
> email: nikola.garafo...@srce.hr

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To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
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