Many thanks, Peter K. for posting up on the wiki - great!

Yes, fc = field cache. Field Collapsing is something very nice indeed,
but is entirely different.

As Erik mentions in the wiki post, using per-segment faceting can be a
huge boon to performance. It does require the latest Solr trunk build
and new Lucene, though (last time I checked, this isn't in the Solr 3x

enum vs fc? This will depend a lot on what your data looks like - e.g.
lots of unique terms vs lots of the same terms.
In all the tests we've done here with >20m doc indexes (using 3x
branch), enum has always used less memory than fc (sometimes much
less), but fc is faster for searches. Again, your data experience may

The main point in this thread for NRT and faceting is to warm caches
as quickly as possible - this generally means judicious facet
selection, and for us at least, using LRUCache a.o.t. FastLRUCache for
filter caches.

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 11:56 PM, Koji Sekiguchi <> wrote:
> (10/11/16 8:36), Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
>> In Solr 1.4, facet.method=enum DOES work on multi-valued fields, I'm
>> pretty certain.
> Correct, and I didn't say that facet.method=enum doesn't work for
> multiValued/tokenized field in my previous mail.
>> I think Koji's explanation is based on before Solr 1.4
> No, as facet.method had been introduced in 1.4.
> Koji
> --

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