Hi all,
We've been seeing this for the second time already.
I have a solr (1.4.1) master and a slave. both are located on the same machine (16GB RAM, 4GB allocated to the slave and 3GB to the master) All our updates are going towards the master, and all the queries are towards the slave. Once in a while the slave gets OutOfMemoryError. This is not the big problem (i have a about 100M documents) The problem is that from that moment the CPU of the slave AND the master is almost 100%.
If i shutdown the slave, the CPU of the master drops.
If i start the slave again, the CPU is 100% again.
I have the replication set on commit and startup.
I see that in the data folder contains three index folders: index, index.XXXYYY and index.XXXYYY.ZZZ

The only way i was able to get pass it (worked two times already), is to shutdown the two servers, and to copy all the index of the master to the slave, and start them again. From that moment and on, they continue to work and replicate with a very reasonable CPU usage.

Our guess is that it failed to replicate due to the OOM and since then tries to do a full replication again and again?
but why is the CPU of the master so high?

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