On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Peter Blokland <pe...@desk.nl> wrote:
> hi.
> i'm using solr and am trying to limit my resultset to documents
> that either have a publication date in the range * to now, or
> have no publication date set at all (field is not present).
> however, using this :
> (pubdate:[* TO NOW]) OR ( NOT pubdate:*)
> gives me only the documents in the range * to now (reversing the
> two clauses has no effect). using only
> NOT pubdate:*
> gives me the correct set of documents (those not having a pubddate).
> any reason the OR does not work in this case ?
> ps: also tried it like this :
> pubdate:([* TO NOW] OR (NOT *))
> which gives the same result.
> --
> CUL8R, Peter.
> www.desk.nl --- Sent from my NetBSD-powered Talkie Toasterâ„¢


Instead of using NOT, try simply prefixing the field name with a minus
sign. This tells SOLR to exclude the field. Otherwise, the word NOT
would be treated as a term, and would be applied against your default
field (which may or may not affect your results). So instead of
(pubdate:[* TO NOW]) OR ( NOT pubdate:*), you would write (pubdate:[*
TO NOW]) OR ( -pubdate:*).

- Ken

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